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Smugglers (The Maskheads Series, #1)
Chapter Ten (Final chapter!)
This is a speculative fiction series comprised of three books. One chapter will be released every Wednesday, with links to previous and next chapters when applicable.
Truthfully, my story ended yesterday. I write this from my room three years after the night I said my name in the dark.
It’s still Andy and Andrew, if you really want to know. I’m both now, though Andrew most of the time. Andy’s only around friends.
I say my story is over because it probably is. Sure, things will happen to me after this, but they’ll likely all be boring. They’re making me go underground for a while, for my own safety. Dr. Shoemaker joked this morning that Lady Six was putting me in Time Out.
I want to tell the truth about what I’ve been doing since that night: Working as a “smuggler.” That’s what they’ve called us on the news. Thieves. Looters. The savages that start riots and rant about conspiracy theories in newspaper editorials.
Whoever those people are, they’re not us at Home. I don’t know anyone like that in real life. What I do day-to-day is transport children (mostly Taylors still in hiding) to Florida. On occasion, we bring them back to their parents when things calm down in…